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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sun Firmware Upgrade for LOM/ALOM

I recently came across this task so thought of putting on the blog.

1. Use the telnet, rlogin or ssh command through the network to log into the
system as superuser.

Caution: Do not attempt this procedure while logged into the system
through the SERIAL MGT port.

2. Change directories as follows:

# cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib

3. If there is no images subdirectory, create one:

# mkdir images

4. Change to the images directory:

# cd images

5. Place this file in the images directory:


6. Unpack the tar file: gzcat ALOM_1.6.9_fw_hw0.tar.gz | tar xf -
The following files will be created:
README (this file)
Legal/ (directory containing Licence, Entitlement and Third Party Readmes)
alombootfw (boot image file)
alommainfw (main image file)

7. Load the boot image file alombootfw into the System Controller hardware:
# /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/scadm download boot alombootfw

8. When the scadm utility completes, wait 60 seconds.

9. Load the main image file alommainfw into the System Controller hardware:

# /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/scadm download alommainfw

Approximately 120 seconds after the scadm utility completes, ALOM
is available for use.

10. Delete the tar file:

# rm ALOM_1.6.9_fw_hw0.tar.gz

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