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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Adding External Disk to Sun Solaris.

As a part of system administration activities many times we deal with adding External Disk to server.

In my current environment we basically use three types of storage driver utilities - IBM SDD, Clariion and for Solaris 10 we use MPxIO along with IBMsdd.

After storage provides us a LUN(s) we need to configure that LUN to make it usable.

This is the in general procedure to configure LUN/External disk on Solaris.

1. for Clariion -

#devfsadm -v -C -c disk
#/etc/powermt config

format command should show the newly added disk.

2. for IBM -

#devfsadm -v -C -c disk
#/opt/IBMsdd/bin/cfgvpath -r

format command should show the newly added disk.

3. MPxIO -

MPxIO has auto configuration capability. Disk should automatically visible when you do format or mpathadm list lu or inq (Inquiry utility by EMC) etc..

To make disk useable first label it and perform partitioning on the respective disk slice(s).

Now you are set to create a new file system!

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